
云风险管理 (CRM) is the practice of managing, 优先级, 在大规模的现代多云环境中对风险采取行动. Context is a critical driver of that prioritization; namely, 了解特定风险的潜在影响及其被利用的可能性.

客户关系管理可能是一个短暂的概念——就像云操作本身一样——难以理解. 但其核心是, 您应该能够利用单一的CRM解决方案来确保高度短暂的, 原生云应用, as well as your entire on-prem footprint. 这可不容易找到, but the need is there for today’s risk-laden operations 和 environments.

云风险vs. On-Prem风险

With more than half of respondents to a 最近的调查 believing risks are higher with cloud operations vs on-prem, it’s easy to see why there is such a booming need for CRM. 事实上, five key risk areas that came to light: runtime, 身份管理, 错误配置的可能性, 尚未解决的弱点, 和审计.

每一个领域的特点都是人员和系统必须彼此携手合作——通常是快速的——以保持生产力. 一个错误的沟通或错误的配置可能会造成风险暴露,分析师或开发人员甚至没有意识到,直到为时已晚. 是的,管理云中的风险是非常复杂的,但是有合适的框架 Security Operations Center (SOC) teams can leverage to research, remediate, 和 reduce risk.

How Do You Assess Risk in the Cloud? 

You assess risk in the cloud by first determining who is responsible for 云安全 和 risk management: you or your cloud service provider (CSP)? 的 责任分担模式 (SRM)规定,云计算服务提供商(csp)通常负责管理企业运营所依赖的底层云基础设施的风险.

内部安全团队通常负责云计算中这些操作的安全性, 这意味着他们有责任确保自己的数据——以及客户的数据——得到适当的保护. 一旦团队确定了他们的职责所在以及他们需要认真审视的内容, 重要的是要考虑到评估需要实时进行.

4 Steps of Cloud Risk Assessments


  1. 识别资产:哪些云资产的保密性会对您的组织产生最大的影响, integrity or availability were compromised?
  2. 识别威胁资产或信息泄露的一些潜在原因是什么? 威胁建模是一项重要的活动,它通过将风险与已知的威胁联系起来来帮助添加上下文  漏洞 威胁可以通过不同的方式利用风险,破坏整个公司的运营.
  3. 优先考虑风险: Reporting is typically built 和 disseminated during the first two steps, so that context can be taken into account during this phase. 在添加上下文时,必须牢记的关键标准是对现有威胁形势的了解以及对威胁可能如何演变的考虑.
  4. 行为现在是实现补救控制的时候了:为漏洞应用补丁, 建立防火墙规则, 确保 identity 和 access management (IAM) 协议s are in place 和 updated.

Best Practices to Manage Risks in the Cloud

Choose a reputable Cloud Service Provider

It's important to choose a CSP that not only holds up its end of the SRM, but also one that is backed by several years of experience, solid regulatory 和 compliance st和ards, consistent performance over time, 和 how closely their services/architectures match your needs. 安全团队还必须确保他们的扫描工具能够适应您在csp平台中定义的工作流程.

Things happen fast in the cloud, 和 risks are typically exploited within two minutes of first exposure, 这意味着您应该能够在任何给定时间访问环境的实时可见性,而不是等待预定的扫描.

Conduct a thorough risk assessment 

通过前一节中概述的步骤定期进行风险评估. 的 data gleaned from the first two steps in the process, 然而, still faces the reality that the scale, 速度, 云环境的复杂性造成了这样一种情况:风险信号/警报的数量如此之大,您根本无法一次解决所有问题.

像这样, 必须优先考虑给业务带来最大风险和最有可能被利用的风险信号. This needs to be done in real-time 和 with complete context, as a risk signal alone won’t provide the thorough detail needed to act.


将覆盖范围扩展到运行时,并基于已建立的“正常”基线监视异常活动. 在运行时检测异常行为(以及潜在的威胁)有助于将多个记录活动之间的行为关联起来. 最好的解决方案是能够整合运行时威胁检测,并通过将发现与受影响的云资源相关联来提供上下文.

Findings 和 context are nothing, 然而, if no one is alerted to the fact there is something anomalous happening. 团队应该调整通知和警报,以发送给能够最快速地修复问题的特定人员.

Encrypt data in transit 和 at rest 

数据在任何状态下都是敏感的, 因此,在开发过程中尽早实施风险管理工具是非常重要的. This can help to avoid friction between teams, but also to continuously protect data during key build 和 runtime processes. 数据应该总是 静态加密 默认情况下.

在这种时刻保护数据的方式中,还可以建立一个 最低权限访问(LPA) 协议. 这有助于设置完成工作所需的人员或机器的最小访问量, while also protecting data throughout its lifecycle.

Business Continuity in 云风险管理

如果发生重大的云安全事件,它将无法像往常一样开展业务. 然而,商业可以而且应该尽可能地继续下去. 因此, 在发生此类事件时,制定业务连续性计划至关重要. Some key components of such a plan can include: 

  • 灾难恢复: This is the time for a SOC to restore normal business operating procedures. If data is not available when stakeholders 和 analysts need it, there needs to be a plan in place to restore it as quickly as possible. 文档是灾难规划的关键,这样团队就可以了解哪些是备份系统的一部分,哪些不是. It is very expensive to maintain a full-systems replica, so a disaster-recovery plan might account for only a partial recovery.
  • 备份和恢复过程:拥有自动脱机备份可以帮助您从破坏性病毒或病毒中顺利恢复 ransomware攻击. 这里的关键是要有可用于恢复操作的计划备份. 过期的备份不如最近的备份有价值——尽管总比没有好——不能正确恢复的备份没有价值. 没有人想要陷入压力,疯狂的混乱和昂贵的停机时间/数据丢失.
  • 事件响应计划: An 事件响应计划 should include buy-in from key stakeholders; clearly defined roles, 责任, 和 processes; 和 technologies 和 partnerships to enable quick action. When an anomaly is detected or a breach occurs, 知道需要采取哪些步骤以及谁需要采取这些步骤当然是值得的.

    也许业务连续性最重要的方面是向组织中的所有利益相关者报告和沟通风险, both up the chain to leadership 和 horizontally to other teams.

Read More About 云风险管理


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